What is CBC?

What is CBC? What are the Benefits?
oday, more and more people are looking for adjuncts or alternatives to taking over the counter (OTC) and prescription medicines. The growth in popularity of CBD based products over the past several years is proof there is a demand for natural solutions that can address symptoms like lack of sleep, anxiety or pain etc… CBC, or Cannabichromene, is one of over 100 cannabinoids found in cannabis and hemp.
It is considered a minor cannabinoid because it occurs in trace amounts in cannabis and hemp plants. Although there are few if any hemp-derived products that contain CBC, and although very few people, even ones currently consuming hemp-derived products, know it even exists, it was discovered about 50 years ago and its potential benefits hold a lot of promise.
So, what are the benefits of incorporating CBC into a daily health regiment? Like CBD, CBC binds poorly to CB1 receptors CBC is non-intoxicating and non-habit forming, so ingesting it will not make you feel “high.” Also, like CBD, CBC has anti-inflammatory properties, and CBC seems to potentiate other cannabinoids when mixed, which means CBC helps other cannabinoids works synergistically. Below are 4 more benefits of the much lesser-known cannabinoid, CBC.
It May Benefit Symptoms Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS):
CBC was studied for its effectiveness against ARDS and its symptoms, and it was observed that people who took an inhalant that contained CBC increased their blood O2 by almost double digits! Furthermore, it was shown to reduce cytokine damage to lung tissue and blood by up to as much as 50%. With new viruses and variants ever present, the implications are enormous.
May Contain Anti-Cancer Properties:
CBC interacts indirectly with CB1 and CB2 receptors throughout the body, but it does have an affinity for and binds with the vanilloid receptor (TRPV1) and the ankyrin receptor (TRPA1) that seem to stimulate the production of endogenous cannabinoids, cannabinoids we produce in our body, called anandamide and 2-AG. Studies on anadamide and breast cancer showed that anandamide inhibited the progression of breast cancer cell proliferation.
May Stimulate Brain Cell Growth & Provide Neuroprotection:
In a 2015 study on the role cannabinoids play in Neurogenesis, it was shown that CBC and other endogenous cannabinoids may positively affect the proliferation and survival phases of neurogenesis. Neurogenesis is the process by which nervous system cells, the neurons, are produced by neural stem cells (NSCs.) NSCs and neural stem progenitor cells (NSPCs) are vital for maintaining brain homeostasis.
May Support Healthy Skin:
When applied topically, CBC’s anti-inflammatory properties can help in reducing inflammation of the sebaceous glands and minimize sebum production which are keys to controlling and managing acne.
As previously mentioned, there are several other health related benefits associated with taking CBG in one form or another, and science and medical studies are only beginning to understand the many potential therapeutic uses of cannabis sativa L (hemp and marijuana.) As advocacy for cannabis continues to grow, we will see more exciting and innovative uses and applications for CBG and other cannabinoids.